Monday, February 18, 2008

paperwork's power

visa applications are in the mail. passports sent off. official communication with the nigerian embassy done. PLANE TICKETS PURCHASED!

it's funny how some forms, signed on the dotted lines, can propel one into the "wow this is really happening" mindset. it's working...big time. not that i want to turn back, but to do so now is not really an option.

we're going. we're praying. we're hoping and preparing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

a simple cab ride

it was very, very cold on saturday night. so cold, in fact, that it hurt to breathe. the painful air made me impatient. i was going to take the el to visit my friend liz, but i couldn't bear the thought of waiting outside in the sub zero wind. so, my priviledged self hailed a cab. i got in the cab, thawed a bit, and struck up the usual conversation with the driver.

you know, it's nice to talk to the cab drivers. i assume more than most passengers are intoxicated or in a hurry or just simply take the service for granted, but i've always been rather grateful for their work...especially on such a cold night. so i like to hear, if just a bit, some of their story.

after a few minutes of small talk, i come to find my driver, Abaku, is from Nigeria. he brought his family to the united states for opportunity. only he, his wife, two children, and a few suit cases came along. i respect them a great deal. i couldn't imagine the courage necessary for such a tremendous move.

their extended family remains in Nigeria and the deep sense of loss he felt by being thousands of miles from them was palpable. no people should be forced to leave their home, their context, their community for the pursuit of...survival.

Abaku's generosity overflowed. he offered to connect us with his family and their village and told us we could stay with them and they would "give you so much to eat and you would have so much fun with them!" i have nothing but gratitude for that kind of openness.

what i carried most from my time with him, though, was the sparkle in his eye when i told him i would be spending time in his home this summer. he lit up. there was a very real sense of place in Abaku and his love for that land was everywhere. it is my prayer that our time there does justice. it is my prayer that Abaku and his family will maintain that sense of place and community, despite the miles which seperate them from their loved ones. it is my prayer that they and millions of others around the globe will one day be able to not only exist but be able to thrive(!) in their home. i guess that's quite fundamental, to have a healthy and whole home. that's a right. i hope i can be a part of protecting that right. i really do.

so thank you Abaku for revealing grace and hospitality and identity to me...all those are quite Godly.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

the ask

Dear Friends and Family,

What does the Lord require of us? We’re to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him in these precious lives we’ve been given. The words of Micah 6:8 have guided and challenged me for many years now, providing an unmistakable calling to be a person for others, loving blindly all those who call God’s creation home. Now, that calling deepens…

So it’s on this winter day that I come to each of you with brimming excitement and quieting humility, to share with you an opportunity God has placed before me to be in solidarity with His people in Africa. Last year, after coming to Loyola, I quickly made friends with a Nigerian woman, named Ngozi. A wise and passionate doctoral student, she has dedicated her life to coupling her education and her Calling to creating long-lasting change in her country. For months, I learned of the situation of children across Nigeria; I heard stories of hurt and hope from Ngozi; and over that time, I came to feel invested in their stories and in their lives, too.

So, God truly moved this November. In a passing conversation during class, Ngozi mentioned her plans to travel to Nigeria this summer to begin important work on children’s issues across the country. After some time, I was invited to join her on the trip, to see for myself her home, and to be a part of systemic change in the lives of Nigeria’s children.

Many years ago I committed my heart and my talents to following Jesus’ calling of being in full communion with the poor, the outsiders, and the “less-than-desirable” people of the human community. My life, loved ones, work, education, and the wholly wonderful movements of the Holy Spirit have all been instrumental in providing for me, this little guy from the mountains of Tennessee, opportunities to explore and expand upon my understandings of God’s message of hope and healing. For all of this, for each of you, I am truly grateful. Nigeria, the children, the struggles, and the beauty all await. My heart awaits the challenge and the grace. My fingers itch for the work to come. My hope is beyond measure and my faith can now only be placed at the foot of the cross. God has called us to a broken place, both to live His message of wholeness, but also to find the resilience of the human spirit and to nurture that resilience.

I hope, very much, as you read our letter of intent, that you too will be as inspired and enlivened as I was upon first hearing about it. I hope you’ll join us in our effort to bring empowerment, healing, and hope to the children of Nigeria. I hope you’ll pray mightily for us as we prepare for and embark on this world-changing endeavor.

Thank you, again, for the love and support which you’ve already given. I’m forever grateful to have each of you in my life and I look forward to sharing with you this experience once we’ve returned.

With Every Good Wish,

Pilot Immersion Trip to Africa by staff and students of Loyola University Chicago


The Mission
The 1992 South African Children’s Charter states a recognition of the fact that “all children are created equal and are entitled to basic human rights and freedoms and that all children deserve respect and special care and protection as they develop and grow” In that same charter, they acknowledged that, “at the present time, children have not been placed on the agenda of any political party … and are not given the attention that they deserve”. This is 2007/2008, not much has changed for many of these African children since then. Nigeria (the Giant of Africa) can and has what it takes to lead the way in the human rights for Children/Women mission. Yet, when one visits Nigeria, one cannot miss the deplorable situation of Children and Youth in the country. The saddest situation is that it is almost becoming the norm and accepted way of life for these kids.

Therefore, we – Ngozi Udoye, Ph.D. in Educational Psychology a staff, Stephanie Toman, a premed sophomore and Travis Proffitt, a graduate student of social justice – all of the great Loyola University Chicago wish to embark on a Child Advocacy Mission to Africa, launching our first mission to Nigeria in June, 2008. We have decided to speak out for these African kids, to help them discover the power in them, and to make them less invisible before the government and the world community. We would like to synergize our efforts with those voices and groups who are already helping to give hope and life to the poor and victimized children of Africa.

Travel Plan:
The first trip will involve a lot of traveling within Nigeria. While in Nigeria, Dr. Ng Udoye will provide Stephanie and Travis the required room and board as well as the exposure to the experiential learning they need to have. This first trip will specifically seek to identify critical areas and the social realities in which children’s right to life, development and good health are violated. We are going to meet these poor children in their contexts. Areas of attention in our Child Advocacy Mission include, but are not limited to:
1. Street children
2. Child Labor
3. Children of HIV/AIDS parents
4. Child prostitution
5. Orphans
6. Domestic/sexual Child abuse
7. Child trafficking
8. Children Education issue
9. Premarital/pre-adolescent pregnancy
10. School drop-out
11. Child soldiers

Specifically, our first trip will target at:
· Visiting Nigeria in June 2008
· Identifying the victimized, abused youths, and children-at-risk.
· Listening to these children “Tell us their Stories”
· Documenting the children’s realities and our experiences
· Synergizing with existing agencies that champion the cause of human rights for children
· Upon returning to the U.S., reporting our findings to Loyola University Chicago and you our friends and family
· Developing an action plan from our experiences and reflections

These Loyolans have decided to take a leap of faith and they are relying on your help to enable them achieve this mission. We are working on soliciting funds from you, our wonderful families and friends, to enable us to realize success for our project. Hopefully, the report we will give upon our return and the experiences from this project may also prompt Loyola’s University Ministry to consider immersion trips to Africa in the future, continuing this important and good work. We cannot answer this call without your generosity. We need your financial and spiritual support to make the success of this mission achievable.

Your donations will be written in the hearts of those African Children. No amount is small. You can be a missionary to Africa without going to the Continent, while living here in the United States. LET US GO!

Simply note “Nigeria” in the Memo line.

Thank you for your generosity. God loves a cheerful giver.

Yours truly,

Ngozi Udoye, IHJ, Ph.D. Stephanie Toman

Travis Proffitt

in the beginning...

thus begins the journey and the search. in the coming months, i hope for you to journey with me as our time with the children of Nigeria approaches.

pray and be present to the hopefulness and the fear and the beauty which awaits...for this experience and for this world.

peace to you all.